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Once upon a time in Florida, there lived a fair maiden named Lizz. She was a creative soul who lived in a pillow fort with her Muse, Jules. Lizz liked to make pretty things in her spare time, and often used found materials to do so.


One afternoon, the two returned home from Lowe’s with gardenia bushes and other landscaping supplies, they planted said shrubberies and adjourned to the living room for the remainder of the evening. While inspecting the identification card for the gardenias, Jules turned to Lizz and said, “This card is made of plastic. I bet you could make something pretty cool out of this.”


“What a great idea!” Lizz exclaimed as she magically conjured the tag into a pair of beautiful earrings.


“Those are beautiful earrings Lizz,” Jules admired “why, I bet you could sell those. We could use some more pillows for the fort.”


And with that The Wandering Junkie was born, creating functional art from found, scrap and recycled materials. Dedicated to a sustainable and ecologically responsible future.

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